Business & Technology Talent Scholarships MBA, Business Analytics, IA


Scholarships for Nebrija students Talent

Nebrija University is launching an ambitious Talent Scholarship program whose objective is to identify candidates in the different areas of knowledge of the University who stand out for their aptitudes, abilities, skills and academic results. The main objective is the recruitment and promotion of talent in the different sectors and training fields, regardless of the economic level of the candidates.

La Universidad Nebrija pone en marcha un ambicioso programa de Talent Scholarships que tiene como objetivo la identificación de aquellos candidatos en las distintas áreas de conocimiento de la Universidad que destaquen por sus aptitudes, habilidades, capacidades y resultados académicos. El principal objetivo es la captación y fomento del talento en los distintos sectores y campos formativos, independientemente del nivel económico de los candidatos.

Infórmate de los requisitos específicos por titulación y/o Beca y consulta las condiciones generales aquí.

Master's degrees Talent Scholarships Máster

En la Universidad Nebrija queremos captar y formar el mayor talento posible, independientemente del sector y nivel económico del candidato. Buscamos alumnos con un gran expediente académico para que sean la respuesta a la necesidad empresarial de esos nuevos perfiles profesionales, especializados y actualizados a las tendencias que marcan las nuevas tecnologías.

Business & Technology Talent Scholarships Negocios y Tecnología

The corporate and business world needs specialized professional profiles that are up-to-date with the trends set by new technologies.

For this reason, Nebrija University offers a scholarship program for future students of our Business & Technology School.

Characteristics and requirements valorables para estudiantes de nuevo ingreso

  • Scholarships up to 50% in teaching fees.
  • Requirements:
    • Average grade of the TFG equal to or greater than 7.5
    • Motivation letter based on the theme of your TFG
    • Academic record
Design Talent Scholarships

In collaboration with Laufen, Actiu, Gancedo and Porcelanosa, we offer scholarships and study grants aimed at new students who want to develop their studies in the Master in Design, Development and Interior Design Project Management.

Collaborating entities

Characteristics and requirements valorables para estudiantes de nuevo ingreso

  • Scholarships up to 50% in teaching fees.
  • Requirements:
    • Average grade of the TFG equal to or greater than 7.5
    • Motivation letter based on the theme of your TFG
    • Academic record

Request Scholarship Information

For more general information and the conditions of the scholarship and grant programs click here or call 900 321 322.

Request Scholarship Information

For more information, send application and documents to:

Scholarships and study grants section

For new students accessing the University:

For international students:

Telephone:  900 321 322

Campus de la Berzosa, s/n
28240 Hoyo de Manzanares Madrid.

Scholarship duration:

Scholarships are granted only for one academic year and must be requested again if you want to renew them.