Cátedra Nebrija
> Español


Knowledge transfer: contributions for teaching practice (TRANSFELAELE)

The didactic applications on which the LAELE Research Group has been working as a result of the R&D projects it develops are included in the publication TransferLAELE (ISSN 2792-3401), a resource available to Spanish teachers where they will find innovative didactic proposals aimed at different groups of students and levels of language learning. Designing, directing and publishing these didactic proposals has been possible thanks to the financing of the EMILIA Project [Ref.:058583184-83184-45-517], of the INMIGRA3-CM Project [Ref.: H2019/HUM-5772, financed by the Department of Education and Research of the Community of Madrid, and by the European Social Fund] and the Nebrija-Santander Global Chair of Spanish as a language of migrants and refugees.

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Dissemination activities

  • Creation of the first podcast for the IV edition of the Voces sin olvido contest.

  • Sara Toro talks about the Voces sin olvido Award

  • Interview in the Radio Marathon of Nebrija University's Communication Week
