Administrative procedures Nebrija

ServicesAdministrative procedures

Ya puedes hacer todos tus trámites y solicitudes a secretaría de forma electrónica desde cualquier dispositivo. ACCEDER

Si tienes cualquier duda o dificultad para el acceso, puedes ponerte en contacto con nosotros en

Important Dates

Start of Self-enrollment

June 17, 2024.
June 24, 2024.
Exchange students (Integrated programs):
It will be open during two distinct time periods. First period:
from 24/06/2024 to 07/07/2024 Second period:
from 02/09/2024 to 11/09/2024.


CONTINUING STUDENTS (2nd year and beyond)
Self-enrollment will open on 8/07/2024 for all studies and modalities.

Enrollment Changes

Enrollment Changes
Extraordinary Deadline:

  • 7 calendar days from the start of teaching

+ Info - change of subjects

Closing of Academic Records

Calls (In-person Degrees)

  • First Semester Ordinary Call: February 28
  • Second Semester Ordinary Call: June 30
  • First Semester Extraordinary Call: July 30
  • Second Semester Extraordinary Call: August 5
Internal regulations of the University

Enrollment at Registrar’s Office

Changing Enrolled Subjects

After the commencement of classes, self-enrollment will no longer be available. At this point, a deadline will be set for requesting changes to your enrolled subjects. This includes the option to add new subjects, drop previously enrolled ones, or request a change of group. Please refer to the website for specific deadlines for the first and second semester.

To ensure the quality of instruction in each group, changes can only be made after the designated request period has ended and with prior approval from the Academic Department of your school. Additionally, changes are subject to availability and should not conflict with existing class schedules.

Please note that any alterations to your registration may have financial implications. Therefore, it is crucial to review your receipts in the services portal under the "Financial information" section.

How to proceed
Changing Degree Program
New Degree Program or Changing from Single to Double Degree

If you are considering changing your degree program or transitioning from a single degree to a double degree, you must apply for admission to the new program and complete all corresponding admission tests.

The change in degree program is contingent upon passing these tests and subject to availability of places. Please note that the change will only take effect in the following academic year. You will not need to repay the reservation fee, but you will be required to pay the difference between the pre-enrollment cost of your current program and the new one, if applicable. Additionally, each degree program may have different tuition fees, so be aware that changing programs could have financial implications, so it is important that you check your receipts by accessing the services portal in the “Financial information” section.

How to proceed
Changing from Double Degree to Single Degree

If you wish to switch from a double degree program to one of the single degree programs, you do not need to undergo the admission process again. The change can take effect in the following semester. You will not be required to pay a reservation or pre-enrollment fee, and the tuition fees will be automatically adjusted to the rate of the single degree program. You can review your receipt by accessing the services portal in the "Financial information" section.

How to proceed

Initial Enrollment (Only if the Self-Enrollment is Closed)

Once the program's teaching has commenced, self-enrollment will be closed. If you were unable to self-enroll during this period, you may request enrollment through the registrar's office. Please indicate the subjects you wish to register for and your preference group. Approval of the request is subject to the Academic Department's authorization and the availability of places in the requested subjects and groups.

Please note that once the partial exam period has begun for face-to-face degrees, or one month has elapsed since the start of teaching for other degrees, new enrollments will no longer be possible. In such cases, you will need to wait until the next academic year to enroll.

How to proceed

Advance call/end of studies call

If you have a maximum of 12 ECTS and the final degree or master's thesis left, you can request an advance call, which will allow you to take the exam in September or February and finish your studies.

In order to request an advance call, you must register for the subject and pay the corresponding fees.

The deadline to request the advance call to September ends on September 15 and for February ends on January 20.

Request advance call

**Additionally, if you only have 12 ECTS credits remaining excluding the Bachelor's or Master's final research project, internships, and the DEPYS subject (Developing a Spirit of Participation and Solidarity), you may also request evaluation from the Compensation Committee. This option is available if you have exhausted four examination sessions and achieved a minimum grade of 3 in any of them, provided you meet the other requirements established in the regulations.**

Request for Grace Examination Session

If you are a Bachelor's student, please note that you have up to 5 examination sessions to pass each subject, excluding any sessions you did not attend. For Master's students, you will have 4 examination sessions available.

If you have exhausted all examination sessions, you must request a grace examination session from the Registrar through the services portal. In this case, the subject will be evaluated by a Committee.

If you have also failed the grace examination session, you can still request a final examination session, which must be approved by the Rector.

To request the grace examination session, you must enroll in the subject and pay the corresponding fees.

Request for Grace Examination Session

**Additionally, if you only have 12 ECTS credits remaining excluding the Bachelor's or Master's final research project, internships, and the DEPYS subject (Developing a Spirit of Participation and Solidarity), you may also request evaluation from the Compensation Committee. This option is available if you have exhausted four examination sessions and achieved a minimum grade of 3 in any of them, provided you meet the other requirements established in the regulations.**

Cancellation of Examination Session

If, due to a force majeure event—a serious and unexpected circumstance—you are unable to take the exam on the scheduled date and do not anticipate being able to do so during the exam period of the corresponding examination session, you must request the cancellation of the examination session.

The cancellation of the examination session requires prior authorization from the Academic Department and must be requested within a maximum period of 30 calendar days after the date records are closed.

Request for Cancellation of Examination Session

Compensation Committee

If you have a maximum of 12 ECTS credits left excluding the FRP (Bachelor's/Master's Final Research Project), internships, or the DEPYS subject (Developing a Spirit of Participation and Solidarity), you may request that these subjects be graded by the Compensation Committee. However, you must also meet the following requirements:

  • The student must be enrolled in the subjects they intend to compensate during the academic year in which the application is submitted.
  • The student must have attempted at least four examination sessions for the subject(s) that are subject to evaluation for compensation, unless it is not possible due to the termination or modification of the degree program.
  • In the case of adapted Degree Programs, examination sessions made in the original programs will be counted towards the four-session requirement, provided that equivalence between subjects can be established.
  • The student must have achieved a minimum grade of 3 in at least one of the examination sessions attempted.
  • The subject(s) requested for compensation must be compulsory or part of basic education. However, compensation evaluation for an elective subject may be requested if the student can demonstrate that there are no other electives available in their degree program or chosen specialization to fulfill degree requirements.
  • The student's academic record must not contain any serious or very serious sanctions.
Request for Compensation Committee

Certificate or Diploma Issuance Request

Official Academic Transcript

An official academic transcript is an official document issued by the University that verifies the student's academic record. It typically includes the following information:

  • Student's name and surname
  • Student's identification document
  • Degree program for which the transcript is issued
  • Access route to the University
  • Center where the program is taught
  • Date of publication in the BOE for official degree programs
  • Subjects enrolled and completed, including:
    • Name of the subject
    • Grade obtained in each examination session
    • Number of credits for each subject.
  • Confirmation if all subjects corresponding to the degree program have been completed and the student is eligible to obtain the corresponding degree.

The academic transcript is issued electronically, requiring access to the services portal where you can proceed to pay the fee of 47 euros. Upon successful payment, you can immediately download the certificate from the service portal, and a copy will also be sent to your University email.

Before requesting the academic transcript, we recommend verifying the contents of your record by downloading an unofficial personal transcript through the app. Please note that the academic transcript only includes grades for from finalized records. If you find any discrepancies, please email to report the issue.

If you require a printed copy with a handwritten signature and seal, please contact Kindly note that if you opt for the original transcript to be sent to you by post, additional shipping costs will apply.

Request certificates
Official Diploma Request

When you have successfully passed all the subjects in your degree program, you can request the official diploma. For this, the following is necessary:

  • Ensure that the records of all subjects have been definitively closed (you can verify the closing dates of records on the website).
  • Confirm that you have submitted all the documentation for access and admission to the University. If you have not done so, please contact to inquire about any pending documentation.
  • Ensure that you have no outstanding debts with the University. Review the receipts under “Financial information,” and if you have any inquiries or detect any issues, please contact

Upon receiving the printed copy of the diploma, you will receive an email informing you of its availability, along with a link where you can specify the campus and preferred pickup time (subject to availability). Alternatively, if you are unable to collect it in person, you may provide the name, surname, and identification document of the authorized person to collect it on your behalf. If you opt for this, the authorized individual must present a document with your notarized signature or your qualified electronic signature (e.g., electronic DNI).

You also have the option to request delivery to the Government Delegation or Subdelegation, or the nearest consular office to your residence, albeit with an additional surcharge.

Please note that typically, the deadline to receive the physical diploma is approximately 6 months from the issuance of the supplementary certificate.

Table of fees for the issuance and sending of diplomas, effective as of the 2023-2024 academic year:.

Concept Amount
Bachelor's diploma 224 euros
Master’s diploma 311 euros
Second specialization included in the diploma 77 euros
Diploma duplicate Same amount as the original diploma
Shipping in national territory 30 euros
Shipping to the Canary Islands 62 euros
Shipping within the European Union 100 euros
Shipping rest of the world 130 euros
Request for Official Diploma
Other certificates

If you require any additional certificate with content different from that of the official academic transcript, please email us at specifying the exact content you need. Once the corresponding fee of 47 euros has been paid, we will endeavor to issue it promptly. Preferably, the certificate will be issued electronically and sent to your Nebrija student email.

Should you require a printed copy with a handwritten signature, kindly indicate this in your request. Please note that if you opt to have the original document sent to you by post, you will be responsible for covering the shipping costs.

Request for Other certificates

University Withdrawal or Temporary Suspension of Enrollment

If you wish to withdraw from the University or need to temporarily suspend your studies, you can do so by submitting a request to the Registrar's office.

In the case of requesting withdrawal from the University, please note that any amounts already paid for place reservation, pre-enrollment, or the months of instruction received up to that point will not be refunded. However, receipts for the months following the request will be adjusted accordingly. If you made a single payment, you will receive a refund for the proportionate part corresponding to the teaching not received.

If you prefer to put your studies on hold for a period of time, you can request a temporary suspension of enrollment. This allows you to retain your enrollment status, and if you decide to return within the next two academic years, you will not need to reapply for admission. Furthermore, if you request temporary suspension before December 31 of the corresponding academic year, any amounts paid up to that point will be reserved for when you decide to restart your studies, provided it is within the following two academic years.