Research Group

Media Innovation and Communication

Research Group Research Group

Nebrija Research Group on Media Innovation and Communication Acronym: Nebrija INNOMEDIA

Summary and Research Lines

Summary:The contemporary communication ecosystem, highly technologized and determined by media convergence and digital transformation, promotes the constant challenge of identifying benchmarks on which these processes are articulated. On this basis it would be essential to systematize their implications and effects on the media industry logics, new demands required for media professionals and the users' consumption habits. Nebrija INNOMEDIA research interests are built and focused on three study areas crosswise to this environment.

Main Research Lines:

  • 1. Innovation in production, marketing and digital distribution
  • 2. Digital and media literacy in connected environments
  • 3. Professional profiles and skills for the digital ecosystem

The group remains permanently in touch within other universities, likewise with public and private institutions developing collaborative projects.

Research Projects


  • Funding entity: European Commission [H2020]
  • Interim code: 101004534
  • Start date: 01/01/2021
  • End date: 31/12/2024
  • Name of Principal investigators: PhD. Jane Carrigan and PhD. Tanya Lokot. Dublin University
  • Name of participating Nebrija researchers: PhD. Luis Miguel Pedrero Esteban, PhD. Carlos Espaliu, PhD. Gracia Abad, PhD. Sonia Boulos, PhD. Branislav Radeljic, PhD. Ana Pérez Escoda and PhD. Marcos Mayo Cubero.

Digital skills and employment of people with disabilities in the audiovisual sector

  • Ref: PID2019-105398RB.
  • Funding entity: UCM R+D+i Project. Research Challenges .
  • Execution period: 2020 - 2023
  • Name of Principal investigators: PhD. Hipólito Vivar Zurita and PhD. Marta Perlado Lamo de Espinosa.
  • Name of participating Nebrija researchers: PhD. Leticia Rodríguez Fernández and PhD. Mercedes Herrero de la Fuente.

Evaluation of digital competences and digital literacy in students and teachers of Primary School for their curricular introduction in compulsory education

  • Ref: PROYC0083-2016.
  • Funding entity: UNED Costa Rica .
  • Execution period: 2016 - 2018
  • Name of Principal investigator: PhD. Viviana Berrocal
  • Name of participating Nebrija researchers: PhD. Ana Pérez Escoda.

Transmedia Literacy. Exploiting transmedia skills and informal learning strategies to improve formal education.

  • Ref: 645238
  • Funding entity: European Commission [H2020].
  • Execution period: 2015 - 2018
  • Name of Principal investigator: PhD. Carlos Scolari. U. Pompeu Fabra.


Responsible PR

PhD. Eglée Ortega Fernández ORCID Google Scholar
PhD. Marta Perlado Lamo de Espinosa Researcher Abbreviated CV--> ORCID Google Scholar PhD. Nicolás Grijalba de la Calle Researcher ORCID Google Scholar PhD. Marta Saavedra Llamas Researcher ORCID Google Scholar PhD. Carlos Jiménez Narros Researcher ORCID Google Scholar PhD. Juana Rubio Romero Researcher ORCID Google Scholar Dra. Laura Martínez Otón Researcher CV Abreviado--> Dr. Luis Alonso Martin Romo Investigador
Dr. Fernando Bonete Vizcaino Investigador PhD. Gema Barón Dulce Researcher ORCID Google Scholar--> PhD. Rocío Gago Gelado Researcher ORCID Google Scholar PhD. Mercedes Herrero de la Fuente Researcher ORCID Google Scholar PhD. Carmen Llovet Rodriguez Researcher ORCID Google Scholar Dr. Eduardo Castillo Lozano Investigador ORCID