Research Group

Architecture and Urbanism in the face of Social, Economic and Territorial Transformations

Research Group Research Group

Research Group Nebrija on Architecture and Urbanism in the face of Social, Economic and Territorial Transformations Acronym: At-the-oUTSET

Summary and Research Lines

Summary:The objective of the research group is to strategically bring together and reorient the research efforts and initiatives of different professors of the School of Architecture of the Higher Polytechnic School of the Antonio de Nebrija University on paper they have, have had and will have architecture and urbanism, as arts and disciplines, in the face of social, economic and territorial transformations. This involves analyzing the transformation of the social, economic and territorial models they serve, both contemporary and historically, as well as in future scenarios, as well as pointing out the processes of obsolescence, managing heritage and analyzing patterns of continuity and innovation that can be observed. This research group is closely linked to the teaching of the Degree in Architecture Fundamentals and Master of Architecture.

Research lines:

  • Spatial transformation of social, economic and territorial models
  • Architecture, urban planning and social change
  • Analysis of obsolescence processes in architecture and urban planning
  • Sustainable wealth management
  • Sustainability-oriented technology and innovation: design and durability in materials
  • Patterns of continuity and innovation in architecture and urban planning
  • Innovation in the design and teaching methodologies of architecture and urban planning
  • Design based on the principle of architectural and urban uncertainty
  • Evolution of social demand for housing
  • Legislative innovation in housing access

Research projects

COST Action "Dynamics of placemaking and digitization in Europe's cities"

  • Funding entity: COST ACTION 18204
  • Execution period: 2.10.2019 - 01.10.2023
  • Lead Researcher Name: Dr. Nicole Shea (Universidad de Columbia)
  • Name of participating Nebrija researcher: Dr. Alexandra Delgado (Managing Committee Spain)
  • Brief description:
    This action, involving 24 European countries, will investigate how activities of creating places, such as public art, urban design, the production of local knowledge, shape and reinvent the public space, and improve the participation of citizens in urban planning and urban design. The creation of places involves the multiplication and fragmentation of agents that shape the public sphere. The action aims to empower citizens to contribute to citizen knowledge, digitization and the creation of places in various ways of interpreting local identities in European cities.
Dynamics of placemaking and digitization in Europe´s cities

COST Action “European Network for Environmental Citizenship”

  • Funding entity: COST ACTION 16229
  • Execution period: 20.12.2017-present.
  • Name of principal investigator: Andreas Hadjichambis
  • Name of participating Nebrija researcher: PhD. Alexandra Delgado (Managing Committee Spain Substitute)
  • Brief description:
    The main objective of the ENEC (European Network for Environmental Citizenship through Formal and Non-Formal Education) Action is to enable scientific developments in the field of Environmental Citizenship that lead to new conceptualizations and new products and contribute to the strengthening of Europe. Research and innovation capabilities in this area of knowledge.
    The ENEC Project involves 34 European countries, as well as Australia, Israel and the United States, more than 100 academics, researchers and scientists and more than 80 universities and institutions across Europe, as well as from Israel and the United States.
European Network for Environmental Citizenship webpage

GLOCAL-RES Action: Energy Transition for Citizenship

  • Funding entity: European Commission
  • Execution period: 01.03.2017-30.06.2018
  • Name of principal investigator: Susana Galera
  • Reference: COMM/MAD/2016/04-ES28
  • Brief description:
    The project (code COMM/MAD/2016/04-ES28) has consisted of different activities: seminars, organization of internal workshops, briefings and discussion on good practices in the European energy transition and local climate policies. The book Local “Climate and Energy Policies: Theory and Practice” has also been published.
    This Convention has been part of the European Commission's call for the promotion of European Union (EU) policies and has been one of 20 projects selected in Spain from a total of 89 proposals submitted.
    The actions have been coordinated by Professors Susana Galera (director) and Mercedes Alda (subdirectory), and carried out by the Interdisciplinary Working Group composed of members from different universities.

Development of a carbon footprint calculation tool and a proposal for climate change mitigation and adaptation measures applied to urban planning in the Community of Madrid

  • Funding entity: Comunidad de Madrid - Projects Funded by public calls
  • Implementation period: 01.07.2020- 15.12.2020
  • Name of principal investigator: PhD. Roberto Álvarez Fernández and PhD. Alexandra Delgado Jiménez
  • Name of participating Nebrija researchers: PhD. Roberto Álvarez Fernández, PhD. Alexandra Delgado Jiménez and Mr. Fernando Beltrán Cilleruelo
  • Brief description:
    The research project to be developed focuses on the development of a tool for calculating the carbon footprint and a proposal for mitigation and adaptation measures to climate change applied to urban planning in the Comunidad de Madrid.
Link to the new

Cultural districts axes of urban regeneration (DistritoCultura): Art, Architecture and Heritage in the process of building the image of the new cultural enclaves (from the District to the Territory)

  • Funding entity: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities National Plan, Projects Financed by public calls / National Plan Research Contract R&D&I Knowledge Generation 2018
  • Implementation period: 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2022
  • Name of principal investigator: PhD. Miguel Ángel Chaves Martín (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
  • Name of participating Nebrija researchers: PhD. Fernando Moral
  • Short description:
    This project, in which the University of Zaragoza, the Complutense University of Madrid, the University of Murcia and the Polytechnic University of Valencia are participating, will investigate the role played by art, architecture and heritage in the process of building the image, not only of what we understand as a cultural district but also of the new cultural enclaves that are catalysts for new processes of regeneration. This is a broader and more complex study of the construction of the urban image, both in its initial configuration and in its subsequent development, transformation and use, with destruction, renovation, morphological changes and the creation of new icons and heritage values that are configured as a strategic framework for the revitalisation of certain sectors of the city. The metropolitan case studies will also be extended to others where heritage and cultural landscape take on special prominence.

Responsible PR

PhD. Alexandra Delgado Jiménez Abbreviated CV--> ORCID
PhD. Fernando Moral Andrés Researcher ORCID PhD. Pablo López Martín Researcher Abbreviated CV--> ORCID Borja Dalmau Doctoral student bdalmaug@alumnos.nebrija ORCID PhD. Esmeralda López García External Researcher PhD. Clara Matutano Molina Researcher Google Scholar
PhD. Covadonga Ríos Díaz Researcher ORCID PhD. Patricia Benítez Hernández Researcher ORCID PhD. Jorge Galván Rodríguez External Researcher PhD. Almudena Martínez del Olmo Researcher ORCID Dra. Victoria Fernández Áñez Colaborator researcher